Boy called “Tree Man” managed to hold his daughter again after many surgeries

“The Tree Man” is a man whose life was defined by a rare malformation in his hands. Nicknamed for his distinctive condition, he has undergone multiple surgeries and overcome enormous challenges along the way. Now, with unwavering determination and the skilled hands of medical professionals, he has been able to reclaim a simple yet profound joy: holding and hugging his daughter again.

Abul Bajandar has a rare genetic disease called Tree Man Syndrome

AFP / East News

Abul Bajandar, a man from Bangladesh, suffers from a rare condition known as “Tree Man Syndrome”. This hereditary condition , although not contagious, unfortunately has no cure and surgical interventions offer only temporary relief. Abul is not alone in his struggle as others around the world also face the challenges imposed by this syndrome.

This syndrome manifests itself through skin infections spreading warts that bear a striking resemblance to the trunk of a tree. Although initially small, these warts have the potential to grow significantly in size, resulting in considerable disability for those affected.

Abul Bajandar has had the problem since he was very young

The onset of his illness  began in his teenage years, with the appearance of small warts on his body at the age of 13-14. Unfortunately, as he grew older, the affliction grew rapidly, affecting various parts of his body.

After 16 surgeries, he was able to hold his daughter again

After undergoing 16 surgeries between 2016 and 2017 at Dhaka Medical College Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Abul Bajandar reached a major and heartbreaking milestone: he was able to hold his daughter again . The surgical procedures aimed to remove the bark-like lesions from his hands and feet, offering a glimmer of hope in his battle with Tree Man Syndrome.

Bajandar shared his deep joy at spending more time with his daughter, emphasizing, “If I recover, I want to go back to work, build a small business to help my daughter with her studies and give her a good life .” These words reflect not only his determination to overcome the challenges posed by his rare condition, but equally his unwavering commitment to providing a better future for his family

Throughout his challenging journey with Tree Man Syndrome, Abul Bajandar has been strengthened by the unwavering support of his wife and mother. When the disease recurs, their unwavering presence provides him with comfort and encouragement. Bajandar reflects on the transformative power of fatherhood, sharing, “The birth of my daughter gave me hope for life again. I didn’t want to leave her an orphan. I felt I had to live for her . ”

Abul Bajandar’s condition has returned, but he remains hopeful

Despite facing a disheartening  recurrence of his illness, Abul Bajandar maintains a resilient sense of hope. Doctors, initially uncertain whether the condition would return, have witnessed its reappearance. Undeterred, Bajandar expresses his unwavering optimism,  declaring, “My only dream is to recover from this situation and live a healthy life.”

His moving words reflect not only the personal challenges he has faced, but also a universal desire for health and well-being. Bajandar’s continued hope shines through when he states , “All I can say is that I truly believe and hope that there is a cure for this disease.” In the face of adversity, his spirit remains unbroken, embodying the strength of those facing rare and challenging medical conditions.

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