Now We Pay Tribute to the Animal Lovers Who Saved the Dog Completely Covered in Tar – What Heroes!

In a heart-wrenching display of animal cruelty, a dog was discovered covered in toxic tar, struggling to survive on the streets of Lanús, Argentina. This harrowing ordeal, however, was not the end of the story. A group of compassionate individuals, including volunteers from Zoonosis Lanús, stepped in to save the dog’s life, demonstrating the power of human kindness and the unwavering spirit of animals.

The Discovery and Rescue

Two young men stumbled upon the tar-covered dog, its body slow and unnatural, moving with difficulty. Recognizing the animal’s distress, they sought help from local authorities. A police officer intervened, transporting the dog to the animal rights association, Zoonosis Lanús.

The Herculean Cleaning Effort

The volunteers at Zoonosis Lanús were shocked by the dog’s condition. The tar had penetrated deep into its fur, making removal a daunting task. After hours of scrubbing with soap and warm water, they realized they needed a more unconventional approach. A breakthrough came when someone suggested using oil and a spatula.

A Five-Hour Battle

With unwavering determination, the volunteers worked tirelessly for five hours to free the dog from the tar’s grip. The dog, later named Petróleo (petroleum), eventually fell asleep in the bathtub, exhausted but safe.

Recovery and Hope

Despite the ordeal, Petróleo showed remarkable resilience. After receiving medical attention and nourishment, the dog began to recover. The volunteers’ dedication and compassion had saved his life.


A Call for Action

This harrowing tale serves as a stark reminder of the cruelty animals can face. It highlights the importance of animal welfare organizations like Zoonosis Lanús and the crucial role individuals can play in preventing and reporting animal abuse.

Petróleo’s miraculous rescue is a testament to the power of human kindness and the indomitable spirit of animals. As we continue to advocate for animal rights and work towards a more compassionate world, let us remember the inspiring story of this tar-tortured dog and the heroes who saved his life.

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