Trending: Kamala Harris’ ‘Dumpster Fire’ Interview On CNN

Vice President Kamala Harris finally sat down for an interview that aired on CNN on Thursday night.

Harris constantly criticized former President Donald Trump, saying Americans are ready for “a new way forward.”

Harris also promised to “turn the page” for a change — as if she hasn’t been in office for the last four years.

Surprisingly, CNN anchor Dana Bash pressed Harris on her flip-flopping answers.

Bash brought up Harris’ campaign slogan, “We’re not going back.”

“I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when it comes to the economy,” said Dana Bash. She added that the economy was better under Trump.

Bash said groceries were less expensive and housing was more affordable when Trump was president.

Harris responded by blaming Trump. She mentioned Trump’s handling of COVID and she said 10 million jobs were lost under Trump.

Then Bash cornered Harris about the Biden administration’s border crisis.

Harris was appointed border czar by President Joe Biden. But she never once visited the border.

However, Harris came prepared with an answer: she blamed Trump.

When Bash brought up Trump saying Harris “turned Black” for her presidential campaign, Harris (who previously marketed herself as Indian-American) replied that Trump was “using the same old tired playbook.”

Then Harris quickly said “Next question.”
Thread Reader App: Highlights and Lowlights From Kamala Harris Interview
Members of a manosphere chat board were disappointed by the interview. They are Kamala Harris supporters, but they expected more confidence from her.

One person wrote: “Political parties aside.. the responses to these obviously prepared questions should concern every American thinking of voting for her.”

Another man wrote: “Kamala didn’t seem confident and was nervous as she forgets Dana Bash’s name mid interview, has terrible body language, and seems as if she doesn’t really understand the concepts of government or policy in depth she’s running on.”

A third person wrote: “I also feel like she goes into defensive mode when really questioned. She fired a good amount of her staff when she first began. She may be worse than Biden.”

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