Woman who says she was pronounced dead for 15 minutes describes the ‘5 years she spent in heaven’

A woman who experienced death for 15 minutes has shared her astonishing revelation of allegedly spending five years in heaven during that time.

On May 6, 2001, Dr. Linda Kramer embarked on a routine trip to the bathroom, only to be confronted by an extraordinary experience. She recounts the harrowing event when she suddenly “died,” with her ex-husband discovering her lifeless body.

Dr. Kramer claimed that the 15 minutes she was believed to be gone from this world were accompanied by an incredible journey in the afterlife. Paramedics attending to her shockingly discovered that she was clinically dead during that time.

She claims she was endowed with a heightened sense of consciousness, perceiving a heavenly existence that spanned what felt like five years. Listen to her speak about her experience below:

In her attempt to grasp the passage of time, she employed a unique method, using her real-world walking pace of three to six miles per hour as a yardstick to gauge the heavenly time spans.

“I felt an extraordinary sense of freedom there,” Dr. Kramer shared. “Where I could take on any form and even inhabit the personas of those I encountered in that celestial realm.”

Her recollections paint a vivid picture of her heavenly stay, including standing amidst what she affectionately termed the “field of flowers.”

“I was observing the mountain range 30,000 times huger than Mount Everest,” she said. “There’s a huge mountain range over in the back of wherever I was. I could see buildings with skyscrapers. Dubai is like little miniature huts in comparison.

“I was immersed in the breathtaking beauty of lakes, mountains, and panoramic vistas,” Dr. Kramer recounted. “I engaged in profound interactions, assuming the identities of others and communing with fellow celestial beings.”

She divulged a fascinating ability – by mere thought, she could transport herself to new realms, instantly altering her surroundings to match her desires.

This extraordinary narrative of a brief yet profound journey to the beyond isn’t unique. In 2018, Tina Hines of Phoenix, Arizona, endured a near-death experience that led to her revelation of the afterlife. Following a heart attack during a hike, Tina was resuscitated multiple times before being rushed to the hospital.

Some claim to have seen heaven after being declared clinically deceased. Credit: Yuri_Arcurs/Getty

Upon revival, Tina urgently sought a pen and paper, leaving an enigmatic scribble that bore an uncanny resemblance to the words “it’s real.” When questioned about its meaning, Tina gestured towards the heavens, sparking speculation about her own ethereal encounter.

While these accounts resonate with many, skeptics and scientists have weighed in on the topic. The Express reports that one scientist firmly dismisses the possibility of consciousness surviving beyond death.

The thought of an afterlife does make the thought of death a bit easier to swallow though, doesn’t it?

I hope it’s full of dogs.

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